
Meet the Media: Tim Culverhouse, Editorial Director of Robotics 24/7

My main responsibilities are crafting compelling, search engine optimized content for our website and reporting on topics across the robotics industry. Robotics 24/7 is the web’s most comprehensive resource for robot and automation system news in manufacturing, supply chain, logistics, warehouses and other industrial applications. The site covers news and creates appealing content to help industry professionals discover, evaluate and deploy systems that help improve quality and efficiency, and monitor returns on investment.

Can you tell us what types of stories, trends or issues are on your radar now?

 We’re a global site that covers anything and everything from robotics and automation in the manufacturing, logistics, supply chain, warehouse and other industrial sectors. Some of the biggest trends we’re seeing nowadays involve humanoids, AI, customizable sensors for robots and automation deployments in new verticals. 

Describe the craziest or most fun story you have worked on.

I’ve only been involved with the site since mid December 2023, but the most fun story I’ve taken part in is a video interview on the show floor of Automate in Chicago. I interviewed Pietro Gorlier, CEO of Comau, and crafted an original video for publication on our site and our YouTube channel. 

What story or stories are you most proud of?

I’ve enjoyed all of my original reporting, but I thought my story on DexR for our April Special Focus Issue was especially fun. I also thought the title I came up with was funny. 

What elements or characteristics do you look for in a story, and why?

I’m looking for the most basic characteristics of the 5 W’s and 1 H for my story. If I can get that information quickly and turn it around to publish on our site, then it’s a winner in my book. 

How long have you been in journalism and how did you get started?

I’ve worked in the journalism field in some shape or form since I graduated from college in 2014. I started as a freelance sports reporter for the Boston Herald and MassLive covering high school sports for a few years. Then I transitioned into the B2B journalism world at TechTarget from 2016-2023. I joined Robotics 24/7 as its Editorial Director in December 2023. I’ve also been a sports broadcaster for Harvard and several other Boston-area colleges and universities since 2014. 

Finish this sentence: If I am not reporting, I am …

If I’m not reporting, I’m most likely hanging with my family. Or, maybe I’m at a hockey rink or on the golf course. 

What advice do you have for PR people that want to pitch you?

Stick to the basics, please. And please look into if your story fits my audience. We get pitched dozens of stories a day, and ones that aren’t tied to robotics or automation just clutter my inbox. 

Any pet peeves with PR people?

We do our best to get your content up in a timely fashion, but other stories that are breaking news or revolve around a trade show will take priority. Our Editorial “staff” at Robotics 24/7 is two people, so we’re always swamped with news. 

Tell us a little about yourself (family, interests, hobbies, background, etc.)

My wife and I have two little ones (a boy and a girl) and another one the way (a girl due in November)! We love all things Disney and are always scheming to find our next trip. I play hockey once a week and have been skating my whole life. And I try to get out and golf during the nicer weather months. 

You can follow Tim on LinkedIn.

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