

Traditional PR Evolves: What You Need to Know

Posted May. 30th 2024

The fast-paced changes in the world are also affecting today’s traditional public relations and media environment … and the ability to generate coverage, especially for automotive and mobility technology suppliers. With fewer journalists than ever covering the auto supplier sector, those that are left are being asked to do more, such as putting out stories […]


Faces & Markets of PRGN: Tokyo, Japan – Premier Destination for Business

Posted Feb. 1st 2024

The information in this post originally appeared on Public Relations Global Network’s blog. We are pleased to share the first in a series of in-depth profiles of a key international market written by one of our PRGN partners. Faces and Markets of PRGN is a new series of blog posts in 2024 that puts Public […]


2023’s Top 10 PR Blog Posts

Posted Dec. 14th 2023

As the year comes to an end, we’re taking a look at our most viewed blog posts in 2023. As we focus primarily on automotive and mobility public relations, we identified a few trends among what our visitors saw as our most popular posts. This year, the topics that seemed of most interest to our […]

PR Hacks: Sure-fire Shortcuts to Public Relations Success

Posted Feb. 18th 2021

Every public relations professional, whether they’re involved in corporate PR or work with a PR agency, is looking for a competitive advantage. They want to be more efficient, more effective, more impactful … and perhaps more appreciated. And many are looking for what used to be called a shortcut – a hack for PR success. […]

Can Your Company Afford a PR Agency?

Posted Jan. 7th 2021

Mark has a problem. As the business development director for a growing services firm (we’ll call it Company B), he is charged with expanding Company B’s presence and business in the Detroit automotive market. Company B already serves a wide range of other industries with its technology-related services and is headquartered far from the Motor […]

Top 10 PR Blog Posts of 2020

Posted Dec. 10th 2020

While the year 2020 will go down in history as a year of challenges for individuals, institutions and business alike, it was also a year where PR professionals rose to the occasion to show their creativity, resiliency and grace. And, perhaps because of the uncertain environment and need for third-party reassurance and guidance, 2020 was […]

How COVID19 has Changed B2B PR & Media Relations

Posted Oct. 15th 2020

COVID-19 has certainly changed the way business-to-business (B2B) public relations and media relations is now conducted. We went from connecting and catching up with our media friends in person over coffee or lunch to trying to catching up with them via phone calls and emails from our work-from-home offices, in between monitoring our kids’ home-based […]

The Niche Knows: Five Key Benefits to Working with a B2B PR Agency

Posted Oct. 1st 2020

Business-to-business (B2B) companies – those that sell to other businesses rather than to consumers – make up a huge part of the economic activity of our nation. Yet when looking at PR agency partners, many B2B companies look at generalist firms that work for both business-to-consumer (B2C) and B2B clients, and dabble in a wide […]

ESG: Where to Start

Posted Aug. 13th 2020

This post originally appeared on the blog of our PRGN partner agency in Denver, Novitas Communications. Stuck on how to get started communicating your ESG policies and results? You are not alone. Many companies and organizations face challenges when determining what components of ESG to share and how to share it. The good news is […]