

Why the ‘Cheaper’ PR Agency Is the Worst Value

Posted Mar. 2nd 2023

Admit it. We’ve all done it. We’ve been lured by the lowest price and ended up with sub-optimal performance. Maybe you bought the bargain pliers at the discount store, and the third time you used them, they broke and sliced your hand open — costing you a visit to the Emergency Room and six stitches. […]


Swipe Left – Why We’re Probably Not the Right PR Agency for You

Posted Feb. 17th 2022

On the dating app Tinder, some people are disappointed when the person they’re interested in swipes left. It means they aren’t interested. Something’s wrong. There’s not a good match. Buh-bye. As a PR agency that specializes in the B2B automotive and mobility technology space, we get that. We’re not a good fit for every client. […]


The Niche Knows: Five Key Benefits to Working with a B2B PR Agency

Posted Oct. 1st 2020

Business-to-business (B2B) companies – those that sell to other businesses rather than to consumers – make up a huge part of the economic activity of our nation. Yet when looking at PR agency partners, many B2B companies look at generalist firms that work for both business-to-consumer (B2C) and B2B clients, and dabble in a wide […]

7 Top Mistakes That Automotive Suppliers Make in Their PR Agency Search

Posted Feb. 6th 2020

You’re the VP of Communications or Marketing Manager for an established auto supplier … or the CEO of a mid-stage mobility tech company. Things are cruising along. Then suddenly, you hit a trigger event: your current firm treats you badly, you have a new product to launch, you’re tackling a new market or you’re taking […]

What’s So Great About PR Agency Culture?

Posted Sep. 19th 2019

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” – that’s what management consultant Peter Drucker said about the power of corporate culture. He asserted that strategy is important but that an organization’s culture is the true path to its success. Lots of PR agencies brag about their culture. Their social media channels and website share pictures of their […]

How to Find the Best Automotive PR Firm for Your Company

Posted May. 30th 2019

When you Google the search term “automotive PR firm,” you will get more than 304 million results. YIKES! What’s worse is that many of those listed on the first pages of the search results are there because they are great at search engine optimization, but not necessarily because they have significant – or even any […]

5 Ways to Tell If Your Tech PR Agency Really has Automotive Expertise

Posted Apr. 25th 2019

Tech companies are rushing into the automotive sector to sell their technologies and software, as global automakers are investing billions of dollars in the development of electrified, connected, autonomous and shared vehicles. For autonomous vehicles alone, hundreds of tech companies – who are involved in areas such as radar, LiDAR, artificial neural networks, image recognition, […]

Top Success Factors for a Winning Partnership with Your PR Firm

Posted Oct. 29th 2018

With research showing the average client-PR agency relationship lasts only a couple of years, we’re often asked how we’ve maintained client relationships that have lasted more than a decade. In two words, the answer is: true partnership. Most PR agencies have robust processes and competent people who want to deliver for the  client. And most […]

The Best Public Relations Agency RFP is No RFP. Find Your Ideal PR Agency Partner.

Posted Feb. 12th 2018

The RFP – Request for Proposal. When clients are looking for the right PR firm to work with, approximately one-third of all new PR work comes through RFPs. But for many PR agencies and clients alike, RFP is an acronym for Really Frustrating Process. Because it takes a lot of time, effort and expense – […]