880 W. Long Lake Road Suite 225
Troy, Michigan 48098
P: 248.269.1122
E: bianchipr@bianchipr.com
Engagement is the immediate goal for most professional service firms’ social media presence. Law firms, architects, staffing companies and more go to great lengths to measure and analyze engagement with likes, favorites, shares, retweets, reach, clicks and other metrics. Yet only a small share of professional service firm posts are the type that actually encourage […]
When it comes to credibility, a third party endorsement such as media coverage is hard to beat. Media coverage is perceived to reflect an unbiased, objective perspective from the press, resonating in a much more authentic way with your key audiences. A recent study by Nielsen reported that third-party articles in trusted media outlets is […]
Professional service organizations are not taking full advantage of the power and reach of LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network with 350+ million members (and adding two more across 200 countries and territories per second.) While LinkedIn is viewed as the most important social network for business people – ahead of blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube […]
Despite making solid progress in the use of social media, many of North America’s top automotive OEM suppliers are still making critical mistakes that hinder the effectiveness of their efforts, based on our second annual SMaASH 2.0™study. “Social Media and Automotive Supplier Habits 2.0™” analyzed social media usage by the top 25 North American automotive […]
A recent study by Nielsen showed that “expert” content – third-party articles in trusted media outlets –is the most effective source of information impacting people in all stages of the purchase process. Nielsen said, on average, earned media coverage lifted brand familiarity 88 percent more than branded content and 50 percent more than user reviews. […]
While the Internet and digital communications are making the world smaller and driving some common practices, the world of journalism is anything but unified in cultural habits, preferences and approaches. According to our global partners in the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN) who surveyed more than 200 journalists in Europe and North America, while there […]
There are eight key things CEOs can do to help ensure their media interviews have the best possible outcome with North American and European journalists, according to study results recently shared by Bianchi Public Relations and its partners in the Public Relations Global Network — PRGN — (http://bit.ly/18DOK4t). 1. Know the information that is featured […]