880 W. Long Lake Road Suite 225
Troy, Michigan 48098
P: 248.269.1122
E: bianchipr@bianchipr.com
Walk the talk – it is something every leadership expert recommends. Being a good leader is not just about saying the right things, it is also about doing the right things. It is about leading by example. But sometimes, leaders either inadvertently or intentionally misstep. For example, take the recent visit of Vice President Mike […]
Companies around Detroit, throughout Michigan and across the country are planning and implementing new safety practices, protocols and set-ups to help protect employees as they plan for the re-start of their operations. They are conducting deep cleaning, reconfiguring production line and office layouts to accommodate responsible social distancing, setting up disinfecting stations and schedules, implementing […]
Anna Zeck is the editorial director, 10 Missions Media, the publishers of ADAPT, FenderBender, NOLN and Ratchet+Wrench. In brief, my duties are to direct editorial. But in more detail, I oversee our editorial department of editors and writers, split editor-in-chief duties of our magazines, work on the growth of our department and company, at large; […]
Here in Detroit, automakers and their suppliers are hard at work tackling the logistics that will enable the North American auto industry to start rolling re-starts of production in the weeks ahead. And many other companies in other sectors are doing the same, watching the auto industry for some cues on best practices in safe, […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly turned the business world upside down. Communications professionals have had quite the challenge laid before them. Despite a constantly changing business environment, regional and cultural differences and a variety of other obstacles that have come their way, communications professionals have been working harder than ever behind the scenes to keep […]
As executive editor, I provide editorial material for both Design World and EE Worldonline, as well as EE-oriented tips sites: Powerelectronictips.com, Testandmeasurementtips.com, microcontrollertips.com, and analogICtips.com Can you tell us what types of stories, trends or issues are on your radar now?I’ve recently been writing a lot about the technical aspects of respiratory ventilators and medical […]
As communicators, many of us have been hard at work during the COVID-19 crisis to ensure our key stakeholders receive the critical information they need. With much of this first wave of crisis communication closing out, we find ourselves looking for mid-COVID communication ideas that fit this emotionally raw environment. With negative news all around […]