880 W. Long Lake Road Suite 225
Troy, Michigan 48098
P: 248.269.1122
E: bianchipr@bianchipr.com
Mark has a problem. As the business development director for a growing services firm (we’ll call it Company B), he is charged with expanding Company B’s presence and business in the Detroit automotive market. Company B already serves a wide range of other industries with its technology-related services and is headquartered far from the Motor […]
To help automotive and mobility PR professionals get a better handle on specific reporters’ needs, interests and beats … and to bridge the gap between these PR pros and the media who cover the most fascinating industry in the world – automotive/mobility – we launched our Meet the Media blog series in early 2016. To […]
While the year 2020 will go down in history as a year of challenges for individuals, institutions and business alike, it was also a year where PR professionals rose to the occasion to show their creativity, resiliency and grace. And, perhaps because of the uncertain environment and need for third-party reassurance and guidance, 2020 was […]
Please provide your job title and media outlet(s), as well as a brief description of your duties: Automotive Reporter, Detroit Free Press. I’m part of the Free Press Autos Team, where I primarily cover Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. I also write about mobility and transportation topics, including pedestrian safety. Can you tell us what types of […]
What do journalists want? This question is one of the reasons we created our Meet the Media blog. Now our most popular series, we pose questions to key automotive and mobility beat journalists to help PR folks like you better understand their needs. In this post, we highlight some of the top mobility trends of […]
Despite 2020 being a bizarre year of unprecedented twists and turns thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, some things reliably never change. One of those things is the tried and true wonderment of people exclaiming: “how is the holiday season already upon us again?!” During business-as-usual times, many companies host a holiday party for their […]
Most PR practitioners have asked some version of this question at some point in their career. Moving beyond the traditional who, what, where, when, how and why, we focus on this question when we’re working to really engage a key reporter to generate that special story for a client. This is part of the reason […]