
5 Tips for a Successful Podcast Interview

Being featured as a guest on a podcast as part of a public relations campaign has become a regular fixture. Often going beyond a more traditional media interview to dig deeper into trend and issue conversations, being on a podcast requires some unique preparation to maximize effectiveness. Below are 5 quick tips to help you have the best experience possible.

Be a listener before being a guest: Take the time to really understand why you’ve been invited as a guest. Listen to a few episodes of the podcast ahead of time, research the host, read listener comments. This will help make sure your key messages align with the podcast’s audience and style so you can be as effective as possible.

Have a brief bio ready to go: The podcast host will likely have your bio and headshot ahead of time, but you’ll often be invited to introduce yourself at the beginning. Have a short bio ready that succinctly describes who you are and what you do so you’re not scrambling on the spot.

Get into a comfort zone: If you’ll be recording remotely, choose a space where you feel comfortable, are undisturbed and have low noise interruption. If doing a podcast in person, try to focus on being relaxed and conversational. The purpose of a podcast is to provide the audience with content and information, it should feel like they are a part of the conversation.

No fidgeting!: When the podcast recording gets underway, find a comfortable position and try to stick to it. Be careful with hand gestures and nervous movements like clicking pens, shuffling papers, adjusting clothing, etc. All these things can be picked up by a mic and interfere with podcast sound quality.

Be proud and publicize: When your podcast episode goes live, don’t be shy – share it far and wide. Post the link on your social media accounts, embed it on your website if possible / appropriate. Like any other form of communication outreach, amplifying your earned content can help make a real impact on the number of downloads your episode receives and extend your reach.

Following these tips should help you be an effective podcast guest while also helping you feel more confident and relaxed. And as with anything, practice makes perfect! Once you have experience being a guest once or twice, you’ll feel like a pro.

Author: Leslie Dagg

Leslie is an account supervisor at Bianchi PR with 23 years of B2B PR experience representing clients across multiple industries.

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